Friday, May 11, 2018


Keeps peace in our hearts.

In response to a person's constant criticism of the Guru's happy smiling state of being the person was confounded and asked the guru why he kept smiling through his criticism. Because said the Guru if I don't respond to your criticism then it is still yours and you have to deal with it, it is not mine.

I took care of my little boy me.
He's going to teach me how to play.
I cured him of fearing criticism and reacting to It, along with the fear of failure and not being good enough.
From Course of Miracles, one interesting observation was when we criticize ourselves,
we are the victim in jail and the jailer who also has to be in the jail... both are illusions.
Dropping those thought processes are critical to spiritual and personal growth and freedom. "I am the peace of God" is much better thought practice and I substitute those thoughts when the others come up and just drop them.

Total self-love, self-forgiveness and acceptance keeps peace in our hearts… not always that easy to do, yet we must, especially to reach the state of silence so we can hear His will and feel His unconditional love. Only then can we give it to others.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Hi Everyone, welcome to my new blog/newsletter.

Blackfoot Medicine Wheel Workshop
It is a mirror of your life and the values you lead your life by. The Medicine Wheel is used by Native cultures to teach, to heal and to create ceremony to connect people back to their spirit and soul. In this workhop, using the Medicine Wheel, the participants will colour, collage, draw, paint and write their highest values in each of the four quadrants of the circle.
These quadrants are symbols of our emotional, spiritual, material and mental life. At the centre of the circle is your depiction of your free will; it is the essence of your freedom to choose and manifest the best path for your life.
Also at the centre of the Mandala is the symbol of the Creator's will; your Divine Centre, the core of who you are.
It is truly an amazing workshop; where you can reorganize your values for maximum expression of your spiritul truths into all aspects of your life. Many cultures have used the Mandalas for just this purpose; to be living in one's soul purpose and to discover their own spiritual path.

Join us for a wonderful day of Spirit and Art, sharing the joy of creating and communing with Spirit and each other.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Art Heart and Soul Studio
Windermere Hall
Windermere, BC
9:00am to 6:00pm
Pot luck style lunch, all art supplies are provided
To register call  Patrick at
cost 125$

Angel Prayer
My Dearest Angels,
Thank you for everything and everyone; my children, family and friends.
Thank you for caring for them and taking them into learnings of the soul.
Thank you for their love and loyalty and yours.
For your protection, guidance, laughter, fun, teaching, caring, loving ways;
For your patience, forebearance, gentleness, anticipaction and occasional push.
I am looking forward to playing and working with you more; all of you. My dearest and beloved Angels.

I hope you all will find this site helpful and informative. I will be posting new information regularily about my workshops, exhibitions and other works. Please feel free to use the comment section below to ask any questions, post comments and feedback or place orders. I will check the comments often and follow up with you if requested or need be. Thank you for taking the time to visit my new Blog and Newsletter.
Sincerely Yours,
Patrick Yesh
*Picture of Medicine Wheel obtained from

Thursday, June 26, 2008